frequently asked questions


mental health faqs

Q: When should I see results from mental health medication?

A: Most medicines for mental health take 4-6 weeks to fully kick-in. Hang in there, it’s likely worth the wait!

Q: What are common side effects?

A: Side effects generally occur within the first two weeks of taking a new medicine or changing the dose of current medicine. This may include headache, muscle aches, dizziness, drowsiness, vision changes, weight/appetite changes or stomach upset. If you can stick it out, side effects usually dissipate with time alone.

Q: How do I know whether to stop my medication if side effects continue?

A: It’s best to ask your provider whether you should stop your medication due to side effects. If side effects are intolerable, you and your provider can work together to change the medication to an alternative option.

Q: Can I drink alcohol on my mental health medication?

A: Drinking or using substances while taking medication can cause confusion and drowsiness. It’s best to abstain to avoid any adverse reactions.

Q: Are there other ways to treat my symptoms?

A: Therapy, proper diet, regular exercise, staying social and engaging in hobbies can all be beneficial to your mental and physical health.

Q: Can a medical problem be causing my mental health symptoms?

A: Some somatic conditions can mimic or cause mental health conditions. For this reason, it’s best to see your primary care physician at least yearly for routine medical screenings and blood work.

Q: Do Gro providers offer psychotherapy?

A: Although Gro providers utilize therapeutic methods, they do not provide traditional psychotherapy, like DBT or CBT. If you are interested in psychotherapy, ask your Gro provider for local recommendations.

Q: Why do antidepressants have a warning about becoming suicidal?

A: The FDA has issued a warning regarding mental health medications and the development of suicidal thoughts, especially in those under the age of 25. This could be due to lack of brain development. If you develop suicidal thoughts after starting medication, contact your provider immediately. If you are in imminent danger of hurting yourself or someone else, immediately call 911 or 988.

Q: What is serotonin syndrome?

A: Antidepressants can cause a rare but potentially dangerous condition called serotonin syndrome. You should stop the medication and seek medical attention if the following symptoms occur concomitantly: agitation, restlessness, confusion, fast heart rate, high blood pressure, dilated pupils, loss of muscle coordination, muscle twitching/rigidity, severe sweating, diarrhea, fever, seizures or uncontrolled shivering.

Q: What is neuroleptic malignant syndrome?

A: Antipsychotics can cause a rare, but a potentially dangerous condition called neuroleptic malignant syndrome, or NMS. You should stop your medication and seek emergency medical attention if the following symptoms occur concomitantly: severe fever, irregular/fast heart rate, increased breathing rate, muscle rigidity, confusion, or severe sweating. These types of medications can also cause movement disorders, such as tardive dyskinesia, when taken for a prolonged period of time. This is not always reversible.

nutrition faqs

Q: What is a dietitian?

A: Dietitians are bachelor, master or doctorate prepared experts of nutrition. They additionally complete a clinical internship for at least 1 year before becoming board certified and licensed as a dietitian in their respective state.

Q: What is included in a visit with a dietitian?

A: Like other medical providers, dietitians will assess your individual and family medical history, presenting concerns, current lifestyle, short and long-term goals, and together with the client, create an individualized treatment plan. Follow-up sessions assess individual progress and discuss changes to the treatment plan as clinically indicated.

Q: Do I need a referral?

A: In most cases, you will not need a referral from a doctor to receive nutrition services.

Q: Will my insurance cover sessions?

A: Insurance coverage varies depending on the plan benefits. We are happy to help with this process. Please call or email us and we will verify coverage before the appointment.